Monday 16 August 2010

Spinning Earth Demo - using Markers as Buttons

I have finally made the major breakthrough of successfully implementing a marker which acts as a button into an AR application. Check out the video below to see it in action:

After looking at many tutorials, I finally managed to get this to work using FLARManager 0.6 (after being unable to get the examples to compile with versions 0.7 or 1.0). My demo closely follows the code in the Collada Loading example included with the library, except that I use only two models, one of which (the FLAR Manager) has the earth model registered to it when it is added, and the other (the HIRO Marker) acting as a button which when removed (by covering up with the finger, or 'pressing') causes the earth model to rotate.

So, with this bit of success under my belt, next step is to start applying these ideas to something more related to my originaly NSC prototypes, and see what I can come up with!

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